Our 22nd Year
Our 22nd Year

Your Eyes! Your Eyesight! Your Eye Doctor!

ISBN: 0976404605 | 9780976404606
430 pages

Apart from the brain, our eyesight is the most complex system in the human body. Describing its function in “down to earth” terms has been the goal of the author.

Two of the many specialties of medical practice serving the needs of this prized possession, the eye, are ophthalmology and optometry. There are differences in these fields, but they are not planetary when it comes to the health and safety of your eyesight. Both professions are well schooled, both recognize their limitations. The author clearly defines where each discipline’s skills are emphasized and some of the reasons why there is some “rattling of swords” on occasion between these two great professions.

In the past fifty years the author has examined the eyes of people of virtually every walk of life. This affords him first-hand information, along with some interesting and related experiences regarding our eyesight. • The book’s content is carefully designed to appeal to people of all ages and circumstances, whether students already studying at eye colleges, those of the working class, or senior members of our society.

It is a voice of experience presenting an easy to read and understandable reference guide into the workings of our most dominant sense, and one of God’s most precious gifts to mankind, the gift of sight.