Our 22nd Year
Our 22nd Year

Plays Well With Others

ISBN: 0979885515 | 978-0979885518
505 pages
Dimensions: 6 x 9

After spending one year attending the University of Illinois, author Lou Satz entered the military service as World War II was concluding.To some extent, Plays Well With Others’ hero, Ivan Rudican, follows in the author’s footsteps. Rudican’s journey takes him to occupied Europe for fourteen months where he has a passionate affair with a survivor of the Holocaust.

On his travels to foreign countries, Rudican meets unforgettable characters and witnesses the birth of Israel. He attends world famous music festivals and interacts with renowned musicians and conductors. Eventually, he becomes highly involved in the publishing industry.

The book addresses the economic developments after WW II and other events of the Cold War. In Plays Well With Others, the reader can discover that given the time and the challenging opportunities, it’s possible to achieve a rewarding life and to make a difference. (Good luck and timing help tremendously.)