Our 22nd Year
Our 22nd Year

Now is Forever—INDOCHINA

ISBN: 978-0-9998066-9
300 pages
Dimensions: 6 x 9

Available in paperback and hardbound.

Now Is Forever Indochina is the start of an adventure that weaves its way through some of Asia’s most intriguing countries. After Indochina, Hong Kong, Japan, and the beautiful Ryukyu Islands await you. Don’t delay take the first step and climb aboard for the journey to Indochina. You will experience firsthand the drama and emotion that drive the characters into danger and each other’s arms.

Now Is Forever Indochina

World War II has just ended. From the chaos and tragedy enveloping mankind, a collective sigh amid renewed hope signals the way forward. Recovery begins, except in Indochina, where war rages on. World domination is no longer the issue. Instead the political spectrum narrows: the adversaries are a rebellious indigenous population and an old colonial power bent on regaining lost empire. A story as old as man. But now, in 1947, it is a modern day drama played out in the jungles of the fledgling country of Vietnam, pitting the rebel forces of newly declared President Ho Che Minh against the country of France, which has held dominion over these lands and people since 1880.

The defeat of the Japanese left a power vacuum that Ho rushed to fill with his Viet Minh fighters, who far outnumbered the remnants of French colonialism. A disillusioned, but experienced, young American Marine injects himself into this volatile mix of war and emotions by joining the French Foreign Legion in Saigon. His elevation through the ranks enmeshes him in battle, while the extremes of war launch him into a search for meaning, love and an unknown destiny.

So begins a journey that in four novels will take you to Vietnam, Hong Kong, Japan and finally the Ryukyu Islands as life evolves and destiny is fulfilled.

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