Our 22nd Year
Our 22nd Year

Knowing God: Recapturing Your Destiny

114 pages
Dimensions: 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
  • Have you ever wondered why you were created?
  • Do you struggle with sin in your life even though you are a Christian?
  • Has your experience as a Christian been less than that described in the Bible?
  • Does something deep within you cry out for more than what you have found God to be?
  • Is prayer more a responsibility and a burden than it is a joy and privilege in your life?
  • Do you wonder why so many of your prayers seem to go unanswered?
  • Do you want to know and see God?

These and other questions are addressed in this exciting new book by Jeff Shreve, Knowing God: Recapturing Your Destiny. Jeff explains how we were created for the express purpose of walking and talking with God. Taught from the lessons by Israel during the Exodus, Jeff reveals several key tools and methods for jump-starting your fellowship with God. Jeff’s down to earth writing style invites readers from all walks of life to return to the presence of their Creator and learn first-hand what they were created for.