Our 22nd Year
Our 22nd Year

Facing the Sky

ISBN: 0981498809 | 978-0981498805
308 pages
Dimensions: 6" x 9"

More than an autobiography, these pages reveal how God broke through the darkness of a silent victim’s struggle; how she accepted grace and freedom and began to really live, and not just have a life of existence. Written to help the hurt and broken, to let them know they are not alone.

Written for those blessed with healthy childhoods so they may understand how it is for a child living a “normal” life, yet victimized by the world around her. To give knowledge to all readers because without knowledge we cannot know truth.

As a young child, Rainee is molested by others outside her home; her father is an alcoholic before she is ten; and seeds of insecurity, anxiety, and guilt are planted. At fourteen, Rainee becomes emotionally imprisoned by her relationship with a boyfriend who is two years older. She is raped; afterwards, the relationship continues. Low self esteem creeps in and she looses sight of her own beliefs and values. Now sixteen and pregnant, ready to run away, Rainee comes to stand Facing the Sky in a life changing experience with God–an experience that will be forever blazed in her heart.