Our 22nd Year
Our 22nd Year

A Bridge to the Dimension of the Sacred Feminine

ISBN: 978-1-945224-01-0

(Escorting the Female Back to Wholeness)
An Expression of Love, Healing and
Empowerment for Every Woman on the Planet

A Bridge to the Dimension of the Sacred Feminine (Escorting the Female Back to Wholeness) is an Event that has been presented to women and men from all over the country. Now it is being made available in book form. Through the words in this book, You will bathe in the energies of Love and Harmony. You will sit in the Field of Creation and return to Your Original self. In this place, there will be forgiveness and a releasing from the role You have taken on in this incarnation. You will trade Your coat of abuse, not being seen, not being heard, competition, jealousy, outward beauty, and suppression, for a new coat. A coat jeweled with Love, Honor, Respect, Acknowledgement, Diamonds, Rubies, and Pearls; weightless and full of Light, taken directly from the Throne room of Source. You will remember Your Majesty and Grace, Your Inner Beauty, and Your Essence, which is the Creator of All That Is. Now You will feel Yourself at home and in all Your Power, totally free and ready to join in partnership with the Divine Masculine who has awaited Your return. You are the Power and we are the Love. Please take my hand and we will Fly, Fly, Fly… Through these words I will show You how I SEE YOU, I will show YOU HOW LOVE SEES YOU. And through the power of the Divine Masculine Presence, You will feel safe to open Your Heart. I will hold space and seal Your Initiation into the Dimension of the Sacred Feminine. This is a book that every woman should read! It is powerful and moving, and after experiencing it, You will never be the same.

I’m here to Celebrate You
You are the Divine Feminine
You have been hiding in the dark
Your voice has been quieted
By the power of the masculine
It’s safe to come out now
You are free to roar
Express yourself without doubt
The path is clear for you
To lead the way to equality
Please don’t be shy
Don’t be afraid
We’re here to Celebrate You
In each one of us

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